Customer Testimonials

Free no-obligation proposal – many satisfied Customers – extensive knowledge and experience – friendly and reliable – plans to completion – competitive costs – we carry out re-roofs,  servicing the entire North West! Please see below for just a few of our satisfied and happy customer comments!

I want to say a big thank you for our loft conversion. We are both extremely pleased with all the work that has been done. We will have no hesitation in recommending you to our friends. Thanks again.

Auburn Road, Manchester

Many thanks for our new room, we are very impressed with Loft Conversions North and with everyone who has been involved.

Cherry Tree Close, Chorley

What a fantastic conversion John, just what we wanted. Thank you for an excellent finish. We would definitely recommend you.

Docklands, Preston

Thank you very much for the excellent bedrooms you have given us. We will send you some pictures once we have decorated. We would like to mention that we are extremely satisfied with all the work carried out, but we were particularly impressed with the respect you gave us and our home, and for making sure that all was clean and tidy before you left each day, as you knew I was worried about that!

Garstang, Lancashire

Many thanks to everyone involved in our loft conversion. From our first meeting it seems that everything has gone smoothly with no room for worry. All in all a job very well done.

Salford, Manchester

We couldn’t be any happier with our finished bedrooms, thank you so much for all you’ve done. Please feel free to contact us for any recommendations.

Burnside Road, Blackpool

We just wanted to write to you to tell you we are amazed at how quick and efficient the loft conversion has been carried out. We have already recommended you to a neighbour!

Strines Road, Stockport

We would like to thank you and your team for the excellent loft conversion recently carried out at our home. Your staff were very polite and we felt they respected our home from start to finish. The whole process ran very smoothly as you assured us it would. Thank you once again.

Church Lane, Leyland

We are writing to express our gratitude for the conversion you recently completed at our home. Everything was completed to a high standard and on time as promised and the level of communication you demonstrated was excellent. We are so very pleased with the finished bedroom and we will certainly be recommending you in the future.

Blackpool, Lancashire

I wanted to drop you a letter to say thanks for the brilliant room you have converted and for giving me very much needed ideas for my loft, they were very well appreciated.

Preston, Lancashire

We would like to say that we are really pleased with the final result as well as your efficiency during the construction.

Lytham, Lytham St Annes

It was an absolute pleasure working with you and your team. We put our trust in you and your company and it paid off. The work done in our loft conversion is to a very high standard and we are so pleased with the final room. I have passed your details onto a friend in Rosendale who is wanting a loft conversion.

Cheadle, Stockport

Can we just say once again how impressed we were with the works carried out and the team who completed it.

Kendle, Cumbria